Kick-off for Baseline Survey of Bakeries in Dumaguete City

OURFood Project Leader and LTE, Mr. Dietmar Speckmaier  together with Engr. Rendell Barcimo, Foodtech Coordinator met with the officers of  Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NOCCI) and Negros Oriental Food Safety Team (NOFST) on March 16, 2015 to prepare the way for the conduct of a baseline survey of bakeries in Dumaguete City.

The survey is scheduled from April – September 2015 and will be conducted by the NOFST in cooperation with NOCCI. OURFood-AFOS will provide support to NOCCI and NOFST in the conduct of the survey. The results of the survey will be presented to the councilors of Dumaguete City to provide them with valuable inputs to improve and enhance the existing City Ordinances on food safety.


Meeting with Negros Food Safety Team and Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Free GMP assessment on current production processes of 40 companies  engaged in bakery production will be provided by NOFST.  Along with the GMP assessment, a baseline survey will also be conducted to find out the challenges and difficulties of the companies in complying with the requirements stipulated in the Licence to Operate (LTO) by the FDA.

The Kick-off meeting proved to be a promising start of the project as NOCCI and NOFST expressed great enthusiasm on the expected benefits of the project not only to the bakery sector but also to the entire Negrense community.

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