OURFood Project

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OURFood stands for Optimizing & Upscaling Roles in the Food Supply Chain.  It is a partnership project of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce & Industry with Germany’s AFOS Foundation for Entrepreneurial Development Cooperation, along with the Association of Negros Producers and the Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce & Industry.  It aims to improve the income situation of micro, small and medium enterprises along the supply chain of food through the implementation of a market-oriented training and qualification program.



OURFood works with farmers, food processors and trade.   Farmers are trained in Good Agricultural Practices and entrepreneurial skills.   Food processors are given training on Food Safety and Food Technology.  Both are linked with trade to ensure concrete results from skills acquired.   The BMOs pave the road to sustain these efforts through advocacy, awareness- raising on standards and collaboration with the private sector and government.   Food Consultancy Groups (FCG) managed by the partner BMOs CCCI, ANP and NOCCI shall ensure that training and consultancy services are made available to their members and other players in the food sector.

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